Citizens of Sound Identity

"Citizens of Sound" stands out as one of the most thrilling identities I have ever crafted. It represents a fusion of my deepest inspirations drawn from the vast expanse of the final frontier, merging with an expansive imagination that delves into the essence of humanity. The driving force behind Citizens of Sound is the dynamic duo, Charis and Will Retherford. Their ability to keep their vision focused on the celestial realm while consistently embodying industry-defining professionalism in their daily operations sets Citizens of Sound apart from the rest of the world. I eagerly anticipate the new horizons we will explore together in the future.

Producing shows with gravity.

The first quarter of the 21st Century has already been a Golden Age of conscious expansion, enlightenment, discovery, and progress in every field of study on our pale blue dot. With this great gift of knowledge and progress come great challenges. However, greater stories than ever before are unfolding before our eyes. Citizens of Sound originated from the infamy of the 2020 Global Pandemic as a solution for people seeking to grow their businesses, engage with their communities, pitch their stories, and share voices of hope in a strenuous time. We are all citizens of our wonder filled pale blue dot.


Kameron Marlowe


DeCillis Law Firm